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The Number of Independent Workers is Growing

Posted: August 5, 2022
Category: Freelance , Uncategorized
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Some are calling it the Great Realization, others are calling it an Independent Wave. Whatever you call it, the numbers don’t lie. According to MBO Partners’ State of Independence Report, the overall number of independent workers grew sharply in 2021: up 34% to 51.1 million from 38.2 million in 2020.

“The pandemic accelerated an inevitable tipping point for the modernization of work, as evidenced by the 51 million independent workers in America,” said Miles Everson, CEO of MBO Partners. “In the new work landscape, independence is not only mainstream, but a vital part of the American economy and workforce.”  

As a result, independent workers are here to stay and are vastly increasing in numbers. Have you recently taken the plunge to become an independent worker? Perhaps you consider yourself a freelancer, consultant, solopreneur, or contractor instead. Whatever you call yourself, if you are an independent worker in the advertising/marketing industry, join others in your community to share ideas, get education and mentorship, network, and connect via The Freelance Exchange of Kansas City. The Freelance Exchange of Kansas City (commonly referred to as FX or FX of KC) has been a part of the Kansas City community since 2003. FX brings together freelancers/consultants, etc., from the advertising/marketing industry to share best practices, become savvier business owners, and expand their networks. FX also serves as a free resource for local ad agencies and businesses to find quality talent easily and quickly.

Interested in learning more?

We’ve got you covered. Here are a few of the perks that come with being a member of FX of KC:

  • Portfolio Showcase – advertise your business and show your work. An easy way to sell your services and get hired!
  • Monthly Luncheons – hear from speakers to educate and inform on professional development topics or join in on roundtable discussions.
  • Networking Happy Hours and Coffee Meetups – connect with others for support and possible referrals and partnerships.
  • Access to our private Facebook group for open discussions, questions, and more.
  • Include your portfolio and contact information on your portfolio page of our website.

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