Find Your Perfect Match at the Portfolio Showcase
Exhibitors: Pretty up your portfolio and register to exhibit now!
Attendees: Mark your calendar to meet KC’s most eligible freelancers!
The Guild, 1621 Locust St., Kansas City, MO
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Join the matchmaking merriment. Become a sponsor of the 2022 Portfolio Showcase today!

Thank you to our volunteers:
Want to Make a Match?
We’ve got prospective candidates!
Finding a creative contractor is a little like dating.
It takes time and energy to vet people you meet online. Recruiters are expensive, and you just aren’t interested in that nice young marketing professional your grandma knows from church.
Stop swiping left and go straight to the source! Attend The Freelance Exchange of Kansas City’s Portfolio Showcase to meet tons of freelancers live and in person.
It’s sort of like a first date. You’ll chat, sip cocktails, and find out if you have a future together.
Meet and view the portfolios of talented professionals like:
- Graphic Designers & Art Directors
- Copywriters & Editors
- Photographers & Videographers
- PR Pros
- Animators
- Social Media & Marketing Strategists
- Web Developers & Designers
- Project Managers
- And More!
Will you pick Contractor #1? Contractor #2? Or a whole team to meet your company’s marketing needs? The choice is entirely yours.
The Portfolio Showcase is FREE to attend, so make plans to attend on Nov. 9th to make your creative connection!
Put your name in the spotlight. Sponsor the 2022 Portfolio Showcase!
Want to Make a Match?
We’ve got prospective clients!
Putting yourself out there is scary. When you market yourself online, potential clients judge you on face value, never considering everything you could bring to the relationship.
They essentially swipe left before they know the full range of your skills and abilities.
Uber frustrating.
The solution? Get offline and into the real world! Meeting potential clients IRL makes it easy for you to show off your porfolio, talk about your skills, and highlight your winning personality!
FX’s Portfolio Showcase lets you do just that.
You’ll meet people who want to hire creative contractors, chat, sip a cocktail and engage in a low-pressure sales pitch.
The Freelance Exchange invites scores of potential clients to the event, including:
- Ad Agencies
- Design Studios
- Large Corporations
- Small Businesses
- Nonprofits
- Startups
- And More!
Speed dating? Networking? Job interviewing? Whatever you call it, you’ll find at the Portfolio Showcase. Register today.
Early Bird registration closes Oct. 28th. All registration closes November 2nd.
Early Bird: 3 ft. table—$20; 6 ft. table—$40
General: 3 ft. table—$25; 6 ft. table—$50
Want more space? Sponsor the Showcase and get a 9 ft. table!
Space is limited, so don’t miss out! Tables are first come, first served.
*You must be an FX member in good standing to exhibit. Not a member? Join today!
Exhibitors FAQ
How many companies are attending?
Obviously, we can’t say for sure how many will visit the event exactly, but we can tell you about our efforts and what we’ve experienced in the past:
- We email invitations to thousands of businesses and nonprofits, and many pass the information on to people in their network, so even more hear about the event that we don’t contact directly.
- We have a strong PR campaign that includes sending press releases to publications and media outlets, vying for air time on radio and television stations, and working with area professional organizations to promote our event.
- We have a killer social media plan going using LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Meetup.
- We could have anywhere from 50-200+ people attend. However, we suggest you don’t spend a ton of money on that many giveaways, if you choose to hand out a brochure or promo item, figure for maybe 10-20 strong leads.
- We suggest inviting your own clients, prospects and peers! Not only will it bring more people to the Showcase, but it will help you. Your clients will appreciate you taking the time to tell them about it, as opposed to the standard “Just calling to see if you have any work for me” calls they usually get. Also, it gives you a non-sales excuse to contact prospects that have been tough to get to or that you really want to work with. Don’t view it as inviting them to check out your competition. View it instead as an opportunity to pair them up with a team of individuals to form a virtual agency. It’s their one-stop shop!
What types of companies are attending?
- We invite a wide variety of companies, ad agencies and organizations from various industries.
- The advertising, PR, design, and marketing sector has been heavily targeted, but that’s not all. We also specifically target small businesses that need outside help.
- We directly invited folks from the top companies in banking, insurance, real estate, engineering, architecture, Internet development, education, travel, retail, and more.
- There will be a good cross-section of company types and sizes, so plan accordingly with the samples you show.
When should I arrive?
Due to the number of exhibitors, we ask that exhibitors arrive early, with ample time to set up and get situated. The doors will open for exhibitors to set up at 3 p.m. and the Showcase officially begins at 5 p.m. A cash bar is available if you’d like to snag a beverage. Appetizers will also be on hand.
Where should I park?
We recommend exhibitors park behind the event space in Lot 1 across the alleyway and come in through the back doors in the alleyway between Locust and Cherry. If parking is limited, try Lots 2 or 3. See map. Attendees are encouraged to park in Lots 2 and 3.
What is provided?
- Each exhibitor will receive either 3 ft. or 6 ft. of a rectangular table. Member sponsors will get 9 ft. of table space and prime placement. Corporate sponsors will also get a 9 ft. table and prime location. All tables will be covered by a black tablecloth. You may bring your own tablecloth if you prefer a different color.
- Name tag
- Chair
- Free WiFi access
- Requested electrical outlets. Please note this on your registration if you need to be placed by one.
What should I bring?
- Self-promotional materials (biz cards, brochures, postcards, buttons, giveaways, etc.)
- Your portfolio! (… if you have one. If you’re not a creative type, feel free to bring signage, résumés, case studies, etc.)
- Supplies to set up your table (display holders, extension cords, etc.)
- Any needed office supplies (pen, paper, tape, scissors … you never know!)
What can’t I bring?
- Easels (tabletop is fine, as long as they’re small. But NO standing easels or large ones that could block your neighbor’s view or even your own!)
- Traditional exhibit-type backdrops/booths
- Wall hangings or floor pop-up / pull-up banners or displays
- Non-table props
- Items that block views or interfere with your neighbors
- Any items that would be a distraction (noise, smell, strobe lights, etc.) to your neighbors or would cause a fire hazard (i.e., candles)
- Confetti of any kind
What should I wear?
- Whatever you feel comfortable in … especially shoes!
- Most exhibitors dress as they would for a client meeting. You’ll see everything from jeans and T-shirts to business suits.
- Most attendees come in biz casual attire, so feel free to dress accordingly.
Need more info? Contact: [email protected].
Thank you for considering a sponsorship of The Freelance Exchange 2022 Portfolio Showcase! It takes a lot to put on this event, and we couldn’t do it without your support!
Agency/Corporate/Vendor Sponsorship (Attendee)
Level 1 – $1,000
Honorary one-year Associate Membership
Entry fee to exhibit
Prime table and placement to exhibit and showcase your company
Prominent logo placement on all promotional materials (time-permitting)
Prominent logo placement and web link on website for one year
Acknowledgement on all our social media channels
Verbal mention during the Showcase
Opportunity to place promotional materials at the Showcase
First access to be included in future FX events
Large banner ad (1150 x 315px, JPG, PNG or GIF) on FX website for one year
Mentions and/or logo placement in Showcase-related FX emails
Level 2 – $500
Honorary one-year Associate Membership
Entry fee to exhibit
Prime table placement to exhibit and showcase your company
Logo on Showcase promotional materials (time-permitting)
Name/Link on FX emails through November
Mentions and/or logo placement in Showcase-related FX emails
Logo on event signage and fliers handed out at event (time-permitting)
Small banner ad (550 x 315 px, JPG, PNG or GIF) on FX website for six months
Verbal mention during Showcase event
Acknowledgement on social media channels
Level 3 – $250
Entry fee to exhibit
Table to exhibit and showcase your company
Logo on Showcase promotional materials (time-permitting)
Logo on event signage and fliers handed out at event (time-permitting)
Small banner ad (550 x 315 px, JPG, PNG or GIF) on FX website for three months
Verbal mention during Showcase event
Acknowledgement on all our social media channels
Member Sponsorship (Exhibitor)
Level 1 – $250
Entry fee to exhibit
Prime table size & placement to exhibit and showcase your company
Logo on event signage and fliers handed out at event (time-permitting)
Large banner ad (1150 x 315px, JPG, PNG or GIF) on FX website for six months
Level 2 – $150
Entry fee to exhibit
Larger table to exhibit and showcase your company
Logo on event signage and fliers handed out at event (time-permitting)
Small banner ad (550 x 315 px, JPG, PNG or GIF) on FX website for three months
Level 3 – $100
Entry fee to exhibit
Table to exhibit and showcase your company
Logo on event signage and fliers handed out at event (time-permitting)
Small banner ad (550 x 315 px, JPG, PNG or GIF) on FX website for one month
Need more info? Contact: [email protected].